An Introduction

When I was young, I learned to love being in the kitchen. Some of my fondest memories are spending time with my mom baking, cooking and canning. Now I have children of my own and my two-year-old has gained my love of the kitchen. My mom didn't have a good way of keeping track of my culinary journey. She tells me the stories that I've forgotten as we take turns stirring batches of peach butter, frosting birthday cakes (okay, I do the frosting), and the million other chores we enjoy sharing in the kitchen. But technology has brought me a great way to journal my son's culinary adventures and share the recipes that our family loves. Not all of these experiences will be baking, but a good majority probably will be. That's my favorite realm to play in. So sit back with a mug of cocoa and enjoy the adventures from the Elliott Kitchen.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fried Cereal


2 T Butter
Appr. 2 cups Toasted Oat cereal
1-2 splashes Worchestershire sauce
Seasoned salt to taste

Melt butter in a frying pan. Add Worchestershire sauce and stir together. Add cereal and keep moving until all butter has been absorbed. Move cereal into a bowl. Sprinkle with seasoned salt and enjoy.

This recipe is a really good popcorn substitute and you can use just about any popcorn seasoning on it. Play around with it! :)

My favorite snack growing up was fried cereal. I'm not really sure how or why Mom came up with it, but she did and it was an instant hit in her house. Now when Gary wants a snack, we enjoy this childhood favorite together. Today while Abigail was napping, Gary said he wanted a snack. Before we got started, I told him that only Mommy could touch the pan and mix the cereal. "It's very very hot and I don't want you to get hurt. Can you just watch?"

So I got out the pan and all the ingredients that we would need and set them out ready to go. I started the butter melting and Gary obediently watched without touching. After I poured the cereal into a measuring cup, I set it on the stove top. Gary promoted himself to quality control and began testing the cereal to see if it was good enough. It passed the test.

Soon it was time to put the cereal into the melted butter sauce. Gary put only a few in at a time and then finally poured the whole cup in. He watched as I stirred the cereal around. "All done?" he asked

"Almost," I said. When the butter was finally all absorbed into the cereal, I put Gary down on the floor and poured the cereal into a bowl so that Gary could put the salt in. (My seasoned salt has a very slow pour. If yours is fast I would not recommend letting a small child put the salt in.) Then it was time to enjoy our snack together. Gary wanted to play in his room while eating. Since it's an easy snack to clean up, I let him. So together while letting Abigail rest, the two of us enjoyed our snacktime.


  1. I've never heard of this snack before, but it sounds tasty. I'll have to give it a try.
