An Introduction

When I was young, I learned to love being in the kitchen. Some of my fondest memories are spending time with my mom baking, cooking and canning. Now I have children of my own and my two-year-old has gained my love of the kitchen. My mom didn't have a good way of keeping track of my culinary journey. She tells me the stories that I've forgotten as we take turns stirring batches of peach butter, frosting birthday cakes (okay, I do the frosting), and the million other chores we enjoy sharing in the kitchen. But technology has brought me a great way to journal my son's culinary adventures and share the recipes that our family loves. Not all of these experiences will be baking, but a good majority probably will be. That's my favorite realm to play in. So sit back with a mug of cocoa and enjoy the adventures from the Elliott Kitchen.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kansas Day Snack Mix

2 T Butter (more if you like)
2 splashes Worchestershire sauce
2 cups Corn cereal
1/2 cup (or more) Mini pretzels
1 cup Sunflower kernels
seasoned salt
1 cup M&Ms

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Melt butter and add Worchestershire sauce. Put cereal, pretzels and kernels in a gallon sized zippered baggy. Pour in melted butter sauce and shake to stir. Add seasoned salt to taste and shake again. Spread out on a baking sheet and put in the oven for ten minutes. Turn over and bake an additional ten minutes. Take out of the oven and pour into a bowl. Allow to cool. Add M&Ms.

I love holidays and I absolutely love my home-state of Kansas. And what better way to celebrate an incredible place to live than with a delicious treat? For snacktime we were at my mom's house and she helped us put together this fun little treat. Now Kansas is the Sunflower State, hence sunflower kernels. We're also known for the grains we grow, which is why we used the corn cereal (wheat was out of the budget). Kansas also has quite a bit of German heritage which is why we used pretzels. And M&Ms are just yummy! So Gary helped hold the bag open for me to put the ingredients in.  Then we added the butter sauce and Grammy helped Gary stir it all up.
Then it was time to put it in the oven to bake. My poor little guy has a cold right now and didn't make it to the last beeper. He was fast asleep on the couch as we took the mix out of the oven. After letting it cool for a while, it was time to add the M&Ms and mix it all together. 
 Now it's sitting on the counter waiting for Gary to wake up. If you live in Kansas, this is a fun way to celebrate our 152nd birthday. If not, personalize this mix to fit your state and enjoy it for your state's birthday!

Happy Kansas Day!

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